Georgia Freedom Caucus Statement on AFY25 Budget
"It's time to say 'NO' when fiscal irresponsibility is forced upon us.”
- Representative Charlice Byrd
I was proud to oppose the AFY25 budget. We are all overtaxed by our government, who is out of control on spending. It's time to reign things in. It's time to say 'NO' when fiscal irresponsibility is forced upon us.
As Chair of the Georgia Freedom Caucus, I'd like the share the following press release, which went out on Wednesday, February 5th, 2025.
Georgia Freedom Caucus Statement on
Georgia Freedom Caucus Statement on AFY25 Budget
Atlanta – Regarding the Amended Fiscal Year 25 budget, the Governor has decided
that Georgia should increase spending in the current fiscal year by more than $4.4
billion, with concurrence from the House and Senate Appropriations Committees. This
$4.4 billion will account for nearly 11% of state dollars spent in FY25. Our state
government is out of control on spending. When Governor Kemp, along with the House
and Senate Appropriations Committees, see tax revenue they seemingly see nothing
more than money to spend. Meanwhile the citizens of Georgia are on the hook for
$40.55 billion. Then members are ordered to give a single yes/no vote on the entire
budget. There’s no ability to vote on the individual merits of each line item. The process
does not reflect a representative government.
Our Republican leaders give us tales of balanced budgets. They say we don’t do
business in the irresponsible manner that Congress does its business. Yet our state will
find itself $8.77 billion in debt at the end of this fiscal year. Our state will spend $1.29
billion in the current fiscal year to service this debt. This equates to a tax burden larger
than the $250 per person that our leaders brag about handing out via one-time tax
credits, which costs $1 billion. We have called for the state income tax to be eliminated
in no more than 10 years, with a proposed plan to do it in 6. The people who claim that
is impossible are the same people who are spending like maniacs in this budget.
We should be using at least a large portion of the $4.4 billion on paying down our debt.
Years with increased revenue are times we should be getting our fiscal house in order,
not punting for later. We have the means to give a large tax break to Georgians, yet our
leaders refuse to do anything more than a 0.1% reduction in taxes. This is
unacceptable. We brag about $250 per person, but it could be permanent tax cuts of so
much more.
When hard working citizens struggle to put food on their tables, our first priority should
be to relieve their tax burden. If we are worried about shortfalls, though unlikely at this
point, the revenue could be used to prepare us for those shortfalls. Yet we face a
surplus and are completely thwarting the opportunity to get our fiscal house in order and
set the citizenry up for significant tax cuts.
Our spending is out of control, our taxes are too high, our debt is too high, and someone
must stand up and say NO. We oppose this budget and encourage our colleagues to
vote against it.